Individual — A person enrolled in the CLASS Program
Applicant — A Texas resident seeking services in the CLASS Program
What is CLASS?
CLASS provides home and community-based services to individuals with related conditions as a cost-effective alternative to an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF/IID).
A case management agency (CMA) and a direct services agency (DSA) help CLASS program individuals in organizing various services needed to achieve maximum levels of independence. Services provided are based on the unique needs of the individual and on an individual plan of care (IPC) developed by the service planning team, which includes (at a minimum) the individual, the case manager and DSA representative.
Who can get CLASS?
CLASS services are available to Texas residents not living in an institutional setting who:
Have been diagnosed with a related condition prior to age 22 as described in the Texas Approved Diagnostic Codes for Persons with Related Conditions.
- Have a qualifying adaptive behavior level.
- Meet the level-of-care criteria for placement in an ICF/IID.
- Do not exceed specified income and resource limits.
- Are not enrolled in any other Medicaid waiver program.
- Demonstrate need for one or more services monthly.
The diagnosis may be due to a condition such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, epilepsy, head injuries or any of the approved diagnoses for related conditions.
Individuals must also exhibit substantial functional limitation in at least three of the following areas of major life activities:
- Learning
- Mobility
- Self-care
- Language
- Self-direction (age 10 and over)
- Independent living (age 10 and over)
Individuals must be eligible for or be receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Medicaid. Financial eligibility is determined by the Social Security Administration or by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) using SSI-related criteria.
Note: CLASS services may not be available right away. The applicant’s name may be placed on an interest list and then contacted when services become available.
What services can CLASS provide?
Services are determined based on the individual’s specific needs and how the needs relate to the individual’s diagnosis. Services must be cost effective and not available through another program or resource.
These needs may include:
• Adaptive aids
• Auditory integration/ auditory enhancement training
• Behavioral support
• Case management
• Cognitive rehabilitation therapy
• Continued family services
• Dental treatment
• Dietary
• Employment assistance
• Transportation-habilitation
• Minor home modifications
• Nursing
• Occupational therapy
• Physical therapy
• Prevocational services
Interested in receiving CLASS services?
Those interested in receiving CLASS are placed on an interest list by calling 877-438-5658 and asking for the CLASS Waiver program. The person will be contacted when funding becomes available. An offer of the CLASS program depends on individual need and one’s date of placement on the interest list.
Current contact information is required for each person on the CLASS interest list, and DADS must be notified of any changes to address or telephone number.
Community Living Assistance and Support Services
What services are available?
- Adaptive aids and medical supplies
- Auditory enhancement training
- Behavioral support
- Care management
- Continued family services
- Dental care and dental sedation
- Dietary
- Habitation
- Minor home modifications
- Nursing
- Occupational therapy
- Physical therapy
- Pre-vocational habilitation
- Respite Care
- Specialized Therapies
- Speech Therapy
- Supported employment
- Support family services
- Transition assistance services